I shall be glad when the last of my daughters is married off, then I might have some peace of mind.
Having this safety net gives us some peace of mind and helps ease the calm-panic when faced with the unknown.
Code review may detect errors; if not, you can have some peace of mind that your code has passed the first quality hurdle.
I am writing this text (Mar 12) to give you some peace of mind regarding some of the troubles in Japan, that is the safety of Japan's nuclear reactors.
In the process, we would lose some peace of mind and self-respect. We would also demonstrate that we cannot lie trusted, since we advertise our dishonor by telling our family and friends.
While it is hard to praise a major vendor for offering something that should have been available five years ago, this tool should offer some peace of mind to admins charged with keeping TFS running.
Now picture yourself with a couple of young kids, whom you want to put away for a couple of hours every day and get some peace of mind. You know if you get one video, they will watch it twenty times.
As a result some people just accept the information they are given without really understanding it, or forget to ask questions essential for their peace of mind.
She quits thirsting for revenge, instead taking care of some unfinished business with the boy of her dreams and searching for peace of mind.
Some wanted to focus on the peace of mind that Informix offers its users and the new features that provide even greater reliability and flexibility to adapt to changing business needs.
"But you didn't have much to do with him, did you?" went on Drouet, anxious for his own peace of mind to get some direct denial from her.
Accept that some people can do something better that you can - and just relax and be your self. Be grateful for what you can do well. It's the key to achieving peace of mind.
If friends do not want long-term patients afflicted by insomnia, then, usually must be possible to maintain peace of mind, a lot of take part in some physical exercise.
If friends do not want long-term patients afflicted by insomnia, then, usually must be possible to maintain peace of mind, a lot of take part in some physical exercise.