"We are hopeful that some people escaped, and we're hoping to find them alive," he said.
As the author points out, there is probably not a person alive who does not have some bee in his bonnet about the way other people speak and write.
The world is unlikely to lose 100 species a day, or half of all species in the lifetime of people now alive, as some have claimed.
Some people say, "what's the value of tradition if it's kept alive for profit, and bears little relation to real life?"
I feel free and more alive by not having any possessions or physical ties rather than what some people might see as being deprived.
Thus, some people choose to set up a trust (often called a revocable living trust), a legal entity to which a person can assign all of their assets while they are alive.
They clambered over the remnants of schools, hotels and mud-brick homes looking for signs that some of the hundreds of people still missing might be alive.
We found that while 'MySpace' is slowing down as a trend, the site is alive and kicking and people are actively communicating (although some communication is focused on fairly questionable topics).
Master, I listen to master said that this near really some cannibals, special people eat boiled alive.
When alive, we may probably offend some people. However, we must think about whether they are deserved offended.
Some people, in order to enjoy the prosperity and wealth look alive; some people is to live a long life, so there is no sense!
When alive , we may probably offend some people. However, we mustthink about whether they are deserved offended.
Water keeps people alive, when people feel thirsty, their bodies are lacking of water, they need to drink some water to gain the energy.
In order for evolution to continue to exist, some people and animals need to always stay alive to keep reproduction to continue.
In order for evolution to continue to exist, some people and animals need to always stay alive to keep reproduction to continue.