How would you like the sack because someone didn't like the way you looked or sounded?
Think about what you'd need to include if you were going to explain your research project to someone with general or casual knowledge about the subject, like your parents.
Have you ever met someone who doesn't like women drivers?
From now on, when someone asks you how your life is, try responding with words like "exciting and fun" instead of the cultural norm that says "busy".
For example, choose a topic about something you like, such as something that interests you or someone who is close to you.
In some places, like ancient Greece for example, the wealthiest people with poor vision could have someone else read to them—easy solution if you could afford it.
You can keep it all year as long as no one else requests it, but someone else has, it looks like one of the professors in the sociology department.
If someone you know, like, and trust believes a radical idea, you are more likely to give it merit, weight, or consideration.
If you act like someone who expects a fair request to be granted, chances are it will be granted.
When you hear the word hero, you may think of someone like Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela.
What if you see what looks like a classmate stealing someone else's headphones?
With your gift, you could help us offer a warm welcome to someone like Harvey who's come in from the freezing streets.
There are examples of paying it forward every day like volunteering, giving food to the homeless or doing something nice for someone around you.
It may sound like an unusual piece of advice, but it is true the first impression someone has of you when meeting you for the first time will probably influence how that person treats you or reacts to you in the future.
Yes, $150 starts off my day! I'm sure if someone could have seen the smile on my face, they would have understood, I shouted in joy, with my poor dog looking at me like I was crazy! Start your morning off thinking you are going to have the best day ever and you just might! I really want to know what will happen next.
And if you're going to have to work with someone, you have to like them.
Going to the movies blind was like someone telling you a really good story with great sound effects, and you make up all the images in your head.
You too can realize your dreams, and then your job is to reach back and to help someone just like you do the same thing.
I'm thinking, "I should hope not!" If I don't want you, why would I want someone like you.
Maybe you don't have time to go out on three different dates, if you like someone, but you do have time to send them e-mails, to chat online.
Truth is, I've been searching for someone like you for years.
For example, tell them it doesn't help when they suggest you eat like someone else or when they compare you with another person.
But think about it, if you were investing your money with someone like that, what did you end up with?
Whatever the reason, you're convinced that someone uptheredoesn't like you.
If you've already broken the ties with someone like this, you know exactly how difficult.
God doesn't want you to be like someone else; he wants you to be the person he made you to be.
In other words, they need to think about how easy it is to hire someone just like you, and how much you'll expect to be paid.
Then, when an opportunity for someone like you pops up, who is that person more likely to offer it to?
Instead of trying to reshape yourself to be like someone else, you should celebrate the shape God has given only to you.
Don't think that you can make someone like you by doing nice things for them all the time.