Indeed, in a couple of seconds, my nanny test had told me something about myself as a leader.
In English class, one girl said never give up when discussing. It just reminded me something about myself.
After a minute, it hit me that this was a lesson I could draw from. I learned something about myself in that moment. I turned my embarrassment into inspiration.
The point being that never in a million years did I expect to find myself talking about the Purpose Of Suffering by talking about God, but something happened that changed all that for me.
I did think vaguely about doing something delicious for myself today, something I'd never normally do.
Sometimes, I'll just tweet about myself or if I make a mistake I'll share it. Something to learn from, you know.
When I’m about to say something to my kids, when I can remember, I ask myself, “How does this help my child?”
I myself have some friendly disagreements with Frank about many of these topics, but I always learn something important from him in our exchanges, and I believe you will, too.
So I decided to come to Yakutsk for myself to find out how people manage to survive, and go about something resembling daily life, in the world's coldest place.
I did think vaguely about doing something delicious for myself today, something I'd never normally do. Manicures, pedicures, facials, things like that.
Every year in recent memory, I've taken on a personal challenge — something to learn about the world, expand my interests and teach myself greater discipline.
I found myself passionate about something for me that worked with being a mom - taking pictures of my kids.
I considered myself fortunate to be on the Western side, for there was something chilling and forbidding about the East. It all looked so grey and drab.
So I promised myself a reward: out of the refund, I would buy myself a kayak - something I'd been thinking about for awhile to help me get back in shape.
I may tell you something about the fun of chasing a tennis ball, or I may tell you something profound about myself or even life in general.
For the first time, I feel good about myself because I'm doing something, not because someone told me I was doing good.
One day about fifteen years ago I suddenly came face to face with myself and realized there was something quite empty about my life. My friends and associates perhaps didn't see it.
When I'm home in the U.S., I find myself surprisingly nationalistic and defensive when visitors criticize something about this country: How fat are your Americans!
When I'm home in the U. S., I find myself surprisingly nationalistic and defensive when visitors criticize something about this country: How fat are your Americans!
If I try to do something four days a week, I spend a lot of time arguing with myself about whether today is the day, or tomorrow, or the next day; did the week start on Sunday or Monday; etc.
But all this is something that is also becoming another school, and I am not here to discuss various types of schools, theories and masters, but rather to talk about myself.
I volunteer because it continuously teaches me something new about people, about cooperation, about compassion, and about myself.
'Richard Hannay, 'I told myself, 'you have made a mistake, and you had better do something about it.
I have a good eye for how well something has to be done in order to accomplish what I need to accomplish, and it's one of my favorite traits about myself.
I decided to set goals that are challenging but achievable, something that will make me feel good about myself after I complete them.
My password became the indicator. My password reminded me that I shouldn't let myself be a victim of my recent breakup and that I was strong enough to do something about it.
我的密码变成了指令员, 它提醒我不能让我自己成为最近崩溃状态的受害者,并且我是足够强大来解决它们的。
I didn't announce myself as a columnist looking for something to write about.
I didn't announce myself as a columnist looking for something to write about.