Sure, the smaller feature is weaker and might be inconsistent, but something is better than nothing, and it'll be cheaper to just do the easy ones.
In the meantime, I suppose something is better than nothing, and I've come to the realization that an all-female science magazine would probably have zero chance of ever existing without crowdfunding.
There is nothing better than a girl finding out something good about you through a friend.
There is nothing like trying to break something down into simpler terms for others to help you understand it better than you did before.
"Something is always better than nothing," Spang said. But spreading your exercise out over two or three days allows you to build endurance and gives your body recovery time.
Doing something is infinitely better than doing nothing, so with that in mind, I've put together a list of the ten most important points for preparing your website for the search engines.
Even if you get it wrong you've learned something, which is better than doing nothing.
Compared with the soil of my hometown, the bells probably lacked both fragrance and richness. However, it is always better to have something than nothing.
Compared with the soil of my hometown, the bells probably lacked both fragrance and richness. However, it is always better to have something than nothing.