Present-day concern with music is shown by the existence of something like a hundred summer schools in music, which cater for all grades of musicians, from the mere beginner to the skilled performer.
There's no better way to feel like you've accomplished something this summer — no matter how big or small that something is — by simply finishing it up.
"That's why when you train in the summer, getting ready for the season, you're supposed to work in a way so if something like this happens you can continue to bring it. ".
But hey, it's summer, one of those rare times of the year when you can wear a hat without looking like you're hiding something, so why not take advantage of the opportunity.
I have got heat stroke today. But tomorrow is the beginning of summer holiday, and I will go travel for 2 days, so I still like to write something today.
We spent something like one year writing it, and then on the summer 2006 we started to shoot the movie (my cousin and I were also actors).
We spent something like one year writing it, and then on the summer 2006 we started to shoot the movie (my cousin and I were also actors).