People of all ages ask me if there is something that can be done for them. They hark back to how things used to be.
It also activates the millions of people out there who know how to make web pages, and never thought their skill set could be used for something else.
From a public health perspective, however, we do not want to pay for something that does not work when the money could be used for something that does work.
But something else about the new 10, 000 square foot (930 square metres) assembly area is even more impressive: it used to be a warehouse for the site.
For example, the architect could create a reusable in-memory cache, to be used in the application when performance needs dictate the need for something like a simple cache.
In recent years, we have even had to be forced kicking and screaming into our directors' commentary for a DVD release, something that used to be a very special thing back in the laser disc days.
warn could be used to indicate situations where something retryable has failed; for instance, it could warn that a connection was not established the first time and that the system was trying again
Annotations can be used to specify or mapping — something you see all over the available documentation and tutorials — and the PetStore application USES them for that purpose too.
Tennis rackets used to be strung with something called catgut, but there never was an industry breeding cats for use in this application.
This means that class time is now free for something else: one-on-one instruction by Ms Cadwell, or what used to be known as tutoring.
It's a useful language, not a one to be used for decorating something.
I wanted the vehicles in the shot to be something that could be used for both Earth and for other planets, too.
Thus, anyone can create a UUID and use it to identify something with reasonable confidence that the identifier will never be unintentionally used by anyone for anything else.
Divine Plea was originally intended to help Protection and Retribution paladins stay full on mana. It should be a decision for Holy paladins, not something that is automatically used every cooldown.
"Duo" followed by an adjective can be used to ask for the extent or amount of something.
If you come into some money, send cheques to beloved people out of the blue, with just one instruction: 'to be used for something beautiful.
For a poor farmer, sometimes something as simple as a farm pond - which collects rainwater to be used in dry weather - can make the difference between a good harvest and a bad one.
This technique should only be used by designers who have a real feel for aesthetics and how to take an idea like "space" and not make it look like something from an old Windows screensaver.
The reason for this is because it takes much longer than a lifetime to perfect something, many think it can't be done, so only few kicks and punches are used.
Well, the idle water tank that used to waste about 20% - 30% of your electric bill, can now be used for something different.
空置的水箱通常会浪费你电费的 20%-30% ,而现在它将发挥一些不同的作用。
Well, the idle water tank that used to waste about 20% - 30% of your electric bill, can now be used for something different.
空置的水箱通常会浪费你电费的 20%-30% ,而现在它将发挥一些不同的作用。