Grandmas are sorta like extra moms f.
Gaby: Normally, I'd give you a hug, but right now I sorta don't give a crap!
London is sorta multicultural, do you think it's too much hassle to work here?
I feel like the above are sorta dirty, and want to use as less JS as I can, if possible.
Normally, I'd give you a hug, but right now I sorta don't give a crap! Again, very sorry.
Water restored, sorta. On the bright side, I now know what very dangerous face water looks like.
If asked in a flighty, "Valley girl" way, the students punctuated their answers with "like, " "sorta" and "kinda."
而如果问题采用轻浮的、“峡谷少女” (指1970年代后期及1980年代初期迁居加利福尼亚圣费尔南多山谷地带的女性青少年,其特点是富有革新、反抗和自由思考的精神)的口吻,那么学生会在文章中大量使用“like”、“sorta”、“kinda”这种口语化的词汇。
I have a kinda-sorta boyfriend who's playing with a model train right now, you don't hear me bitching about it.
I wonder how long it took to wire up her hair like this and twist it all into shape…Sorta cool though in an artsy way.
Is there any other better way? I feel like the above are sorta dirty, and want to use as less JS as I can, if possible.
I've always sorta had a crush on here, but I didn't want to act, because I didn't know if she felt the same way or not.
I also made a third line and erased part of it and sorta made it join the other two to look like a cool triangular shape.
Less good reason: I took Spanish in high school and kinda, sorta-well, now that I think of it-didn't really like it all that much.
When I met her, Cindi was working for this small but kinda-sorta successful design agency, call it Acme Design (not its real name).
Only Portland could kinda sorta slow him down, and it took three elite defenders -- Scottie Pippen, Rasheed Wallace and fellow giant Arvydas Sabonis.
Didn't like ter draw attention to meself, so I sorta skulked an 'tried not ter listen, but it was a - well, a heated discussion an' it wasn 'easy ter block it out.
When we try on a pair of jeans that only sorta, kinda fit us and we see a super cute girl waltz out of the dressing room with wearing the same jeans to perfection...
When we try on a pair of jeans that only sorta, kinda fit us and we see a super cute girl waltz out of the dressing room with wearing the same jeans to perfection...