For the application, load a simple table with employee data; the table will support sorting on any of its columns.
If your only objective is to show the table, then you're done, because the rest of the code handles sorting.
The row order in the query elements table in which columns are defined determines their left to right sequence within the order BY clause, which in turn determines their sorting priority.
Taking it a step further, you could even add the sorting links into the table headers manually and have them refresh the page, passing variables to re-sort the table accordingly.
But I would like to show how to perform sorting of the movie table on the client as a demonstration of how to offload work from the server.
Because the NPSI is a single ordered list, it is easy to see how DB2 could just toggle back and forth, index to table, index to table, and return rows in ZIPCODE order without sorting.
因为NPSI是一个单序列列表,很容易看到DB 2如何来回切换,从表到索引、索引到表,然后以ZIPCODE次序返回行,而不需要排序。
First, edit the AdminIndexSuccess template, and attach sorting links to each table heading, as in Listing 1.
The portlet provides a paging table that allows you to conveniently monitor a large number of tasks by sorting and filtering the task properties that you are interested in, as shown in Figure 18.
If not, define a helper function that you can use to handle sorting on each of the columns of the table.
Essentially, that's what you're doing here as well, writing a plug-in to turn a simple table into a sorting and summation table.
This table contains the supplemental data to illustrate the sorting capability of the claim with the query table method.
BPED b表包含补充数据,说明使用查询表方法声明的分类功能。
Table 2-5 lists the properties and methods you will use when sorting and filtering data in the Spreadsheet component.
表2 - 5列出了在电子表格组件中排序和过滤数据时可以使用的属性和方法。
Descending sorting of a generically typed internal table in a subprogram.
We find the FOREMAN at the head of the table, sorting votes.
It will speed up the lookup process and reduce the service delay with the expressed routing table and power sorting multicast algorithm.
The grape harvest is by hand, and the grapes go through a rigorous selection on the sorting table DE tri.
The control supports searching strings, searching values between a specified range, comparing a property value in a table to a specified value, sorting, and custom queries.
The grapes are handpicked after being tasted for their ripeness, they are then destemmed and put on a sorting table where they are sorted by hand.
果实皆在品尝检测过成熟度 后方才全部手工摘取,然 后去梗放在 输送带上手工再次手工过滤拣选。
The grapes are handpicked after being tasted for their ripeness, they are then destemmed and put on a sorting table where they are sorted by hand.
果实皆在品尝检测过成熟度 后方才全部手工摘取,然 后去梗放在 输送带上手工再次手工过滤拣选。