Paul JJ Payack, president of the Global Language Monitor, brushed off the criticism, saying his method was technically sound.
They can tell the distance of various objects by how quickly the sound waves bounce back off them.
Basically, the phenomenon of Standing Waves occurs when sound waves of the same frequency reflect off the walls and meet from opposite directions.
Watch them together with the sound off, so you can get information and a turn-on at the same time.
I know it might sound lame, but my alarm clock somehow didn't go off this morning.
To judge by their "snap", the sound of their impact, they weren't far off the mark.
They think there’s a metabolic link, because energy use affects the nerves and muscles that animals use to sound off.
We are aboard Cappadocia Balloons and lifting off. The only sound is the burner.
T-Bag makes a satisfied sound and walks off, Michael follows seconds later.
T - Bag发出了一个满意的声音,离开了,Michael紧随其后。
First, I'll pick up where this first part leaves off, comparing and contrasting (sound like a high-school English assignment?)
Why does the rustle of sheets wake us up on some nights, but we sleep through the sound of our alarm clocks going off on others?
With a sound currency, everyone is better off, not just those who control the monetary system.
IN this dusty field filled with experimental watermelons off Highway 174, there is but one sound that matters.
Sound off below and let us know whether you buy into this future of music and art, or whether this AI composer just doesn't wash.
The Internet lets your customers sound off and tell you exactly what they like or don't like about your business.
Measured at 101 decibels, the Russian beauty employs the tactic because it masks the sound of the ball coming off the racquet and basically annoys the other player.
All agree, though, that Kiyosaki is sound on the need to shake off a fearful, conservative mindset in order to make it big financially.
I know it might sound lame, but somehow my alarm clock didn't go off this morning.
Don't write off jobs that don't sound perfect for you — apply for them anyway!
Theatre-goers receive sound from the front, reflected off the theatre's foreground, as well as from behind them, backscattered by the seats.
Unfortunately, it seems more likely that Europe's failure will knock the American economy off its relatively sound footing.
It automatically switches off the sound and puts itself into vibration mode.
Do you think Sony has what it takes to dethrone Apple? Is it too late? Sound off in the comments!
At town-hall meetings, he does not fob voters off with a single sound-bite; he lets them ask follow-up questions.
In other words, a sound architecture really pays off.
Turn off the phones, plug in your headphones (to block out sound), put up a “do not disturb” sign, turn off your email notifiers, maybe put your email in vacation mode.
Just because it wasn't the most popular download of the year doesn't mean it wasn't useful; sound off in the comments to share your favorite download and why it was useful.
At times, it's so quiet for so long that I thought the sound had been turned off.
When tempted to sound off on matters of controversy, bosses would be doing their shareholders a favour by taking a deep breath and then zipping it.
When tempted to sound off on matters of controversy, bosses would be doing their shareholders a favour by taking a deep breath and then zipping it.