Success lies in the courage and confidence, and courage and self-confidence is from a sound mind and a healthy body.
It's a severe challenge for mid-long term space flight to assure astronauts in sound body and mind and have good working capability.
Conditions for success lies in the courage and self-confidence, courage and self-confidence but rather comes from the sound mind and a healthy body. - Cologne.
Change the one and you cure the other. In this day of the gymnasium and the daily dozen, it may sound impractical to suggest that it is the mind, not the body, which needs the care.
There is not denying that successful home shuttle business lies in a sound body and mind.
There is no denying that successful home shuttle business lies in a sound body and mind.
The function is realized mainly through mental function and physical function but not any music is useful to sound in body and mind.
这种作用主要是通过心理作用和物理作用来实现的 ,但不是所有的音乐对人的身心健康都有益。
Like study the preserve one's health, "keep sound in body and mind ", always tenacious pursuit in the life.
Like study the preserve one's health, "keep sound in body and mind ", always tenacious pursuit in the life.