Then the LORD spoke to you out of the fire. You heard the sound of words but saw no form; there was only a voice.
Here's some sound advice — if you approach a woman and the first words out of her mouth are "I'll have a Vodka Seven," chances are she's probably out to score some freebies, so proceed with caution.
Georgiou points out that English is an orthographically inconsistent language; in other words, letters can have more than one sound each.
Their sound is gone out into all lands, and their words unto the ends of the world.
Their sound is gone out into all lands, and their words unto the end of the world.
This is a constructionist approach to learning: the children are given the phonic tools to construct and sound out new words by themselves.
If your child does try to "sound out" words, encourage the use of letter sounds (phonics) rather than "alphabet names".
If your child does try to "sound out" words, encourage the use of letter sounds (phonics) rather than "alphabet names".