This means that the transformations align themselves with their associated source input fields.
It also helps in types of relationship between source and target, such as aggregations, transformations, and arithmetic operations.
This is to determine what kinds of transformations have to be performed to map a source term or entity to a target term or entity.
You should use the documentation as your first source of information for learning the tool and performing simple parsing and transformations.
The documentation is the first source of information for learning the tool and performing simple parsing and transformations.
This allows you to define source and target exemplars (both in UML), as well as the mappings in the middle, to create your own UML transformations.
Basic transformations are used in many implementations in order to convert heterogeneous source formats into the common view at the federation layer.
This analysis determines whether or not the target model can be fulfilled with existing source data and whether or not extensive transformations may have to be performed.
The following methods can be used to create transformations between a source and target that are not visible at the same time.
Thus, you can implement a chain of XSLT transformations as a chain of Butterfly objects, each acting as the source object for the next object.
It is important to realize that creating a Local map between a source and a target does not perform any data transformations on its own.
Transformations themselves are implemented as templates using the Apache Velocity 16 open source template engine.
Complete transformations for mappings of data source models.
Any transformations operating over optional source data will only execute if the source data exists during runtime. Otherwise, the transformation will not occur.
You can use the following methods to create transformations between a source and target that are not visible at the same time.
The source code could be easily adapted to handle other sorts of transformations, such as language translation, company-specific acronyms for inventory codes, and so on.
IBM Rational Software Architect includes several predefined transformations, some of which transform a UML model into source code.
IBMRational Software Architect包括许多预定义的转换,一些将uml模型转换为源代码。
The query transformations implement the logic that can transform an IBM Cognos query spec into a MDX query that a target data source can understand.
When using the functional approach, you write transformations that take the source documents and generate completely new result documents with the desired shape.
This section explains those transformations and identifies the source of each piece of information exported to the resulting type library.
The energy produced by the breaking down of the atom is a very poor kind of thing. Anyone who expects a source of power from the transformations of these atoms is talking moonshine.
The energy produced by the breaking down of the atom is a very poor kind of thing. Anyone who expects a source of power from the transformations of these atoms is talking moonshine.