High-level efforts continue to find new sources of funding.
Microcredit is the farmer's production input sources of funding; 3.
And bank loans and deposits, advances and other sources of funding reduced.
The city of the militants' last urban stronghold and one of its main sources of funding.
Dabei boxing organizations to strengthen the operational capacity to broaden the sources of funding.
Traditional Wushu Championships sources of funding and competition to promote relatively simple way.
On the whole, the sources of funding have been determined and we've coordinated them with our partners.
With an uncooperative family and no sources of funding, young entrepreneurs face little chance of success.
But the programme came to an end earlier this summer, forcing many groups to close or seek alternative sources of funding.
Issuers might find that other sources of funding, such as advances from America's 12 Federal Home Loan Banks, are cheaper.
But equally important is Goldman's transformation into a bank holding company, allowing it to access new sources of funding.
Fulda says Wikileaks may have other sources of funding - perhaps from private donors and other foundations - but he has no knowledge of them.
If your startup doesn't truly target a huge market with a strong and credible management team, you should consider other sources of funding.
Regional Banks can also hope to recapture market share from non-banks, as traditional sources of funding, such as deposits, become more important.
This requires forward thinking, since most sources of funding come from a joint application with the person who will mentor you as a postdoc.
Non-governmental organizations, Fang Yi morning hearing will be fixed sources of funding, in-depth high-risk groups to promote the prevention of AIDS.
晨报讯 民间防艾组织将有固定的资金来源,深入到高危人群中推广预防艾滋病。
Article 61 Sponsors of higher education institutions shall ensure stable sources of funding for education, and they may not draw back the funds they put in education.
The self-employed income, public funding(federal, state and local), and the donations (corporate, foundation or individual) ties the three major sources of funding for the museum.
Based on the theory of organizational ecology, this study tests the relationships between informal sources of funding, average income, patent, population and the birth of new firm.
In truth, Banks need to have a diverse set of funding sources and maturities, whether wholesale or retail.
This study considers the distribution and diversification of funding sources in general and in particular within the categories of public funding and of additional (other) funding sources.
Reviving important non-bank funding sources, such as securitisation, is essential, even if its huge expansion in the credit boom led to the mispricing of risk.
Users can select individual donor countries (providing the aid) and beneficiary countries (receiving the aid) to track the sources and USES of aid funding.
The outcome is expected to change existing patterns of financing, drawing on broader and more diverse funding sources.
In accordance with the flow direction of the funding, the paper described in chapter IV HSBC's funding sources, namely, issuing currency notes and depositing.
Representatives from some 25 different funding sources at Harvard came together this spring to share information, collaborate, and explore how to make maximum good use of available resources.
Representatives from some 25 different funding sources at Harvard came together this spring to share information, collaborate, and explore how to make maximum good use of available resources.