The NASA spacecraft has detected vast stores of suspected water ice in other areas of the red planet as well, including the south polar region.
This composite image depicts the moon's rugged south polar region and is the highest resolution topography map to date of the moon's South Pole.
We could do this in theory by studying an enormous impact crater, known as the south Pole AK basin. It's located in the moon's south polar region.
Blue fans decorate the pinkish landscape of Mars's south polar region in a false-color picture taken by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and released Wednesday.
The south polar region of the 500 kilometer-diameter moon is illuminated, including plumes of water vapor and icy particles spraying above the long fissures in the moon's surface.
这颗直径 500 千米的卫星的南极区域被阳光照亮,可以看到在这颗卫星表面的长长的裂缝中,有着缕缕上升的水蒸气和冰晶。
The asteroid has the look of a punctured football, the result of a colossal collision sometime in its past that ripped a big chunk out of its south polar region (the five o'clock position).
The asteroid has the look of a punctured football, the result of a colossal collision sometime in its past that ripped a big chunk out of its south polar region (the five o'clock position).