The surge travelled southwards along the coast.
I see seven seagulls soaring southwards silently.
The most northerly RACES have to be transferred southwards.
We'll travel southwards to find a job that offers higher pay.
These birds migrate northwards in spring and southwards in fall.
All I can think of is that while I'm lying here we're constantly drifting southwards.
After two weeks' delay he set sail southwards in search of the passage through to the west.
From China, Chan subsequently spread southwards to Vietnam and eastwards to Korea and Japan.
A couple of years later there were again new ideas about extension, but this time southwards.
"Birds were coming down from the north and piling up, waiting to push southwards," said Rowden.
“Birds were coming down from the north and piling up, waiting to push southwards, ” said Rowden.
The ice was flushed southwards and westward into the Beaufort and Chukchi seas, as noted in April.
Mr Edge denies that southern cuisine is at fault. He blames “the goose-step march of fast-food restaurants southwards”.
Cross the road to the south of Beijing Hotel, enter Zhengyi rd. Walk southwards for 10 min. You see the church on your left.
The azure waters at the foot of the Red Sea lapping southwards round the Horn of Africa are now the most dangerous in the world.
The map shows the view looking southwards (initially from north west England) at whatever the current time and date happens to be.
This phenomenon occurs when the effect of strong volcanic activities begin to weaken and the equatorial trough fills up and retreats southwards.
Underneath the addition a spacious veranda (10 m) has been created, providing a luxurious view southwards facing over the garden and swimming pool.
"There's smoke drifting southwards but it is not interfering with our operations as aircraft continue to arrive and depart," an airport spokesman said.
Here, the wildebeest will stay, until the smell of November's short rains tell them it's time to regroup and head southwards back towards the Serengeti.
Clouds of teal barrel southwards. A couple of weeks later the first ice appears, the hydrofoil service is suspended and Nikolaevsk will not see another boat until early June.
The Norsemen were hunters and farmers who, when times were hard in their inhospitable land, marauded southwards overland from the Danish peninsula, attacking other Teutonic peoples.
The Norsemen were hunters and farmers who, when times were hard in their inhospitable land, marauded southwards overland from the Danish peninsula, attacking other Teutonic peoples.