Stockmarkets had another rocky week amid more concern over sovereign debt in Europe.
The austerity required in Europe to deal with the sovereign debt crisis is likely to push Europe into a recession. This will impact US corporations dependent on important profits from Europe.
Without forcibly cramming down the creditors, Europe could improve the incentives for debt buy-backs by finally instructing regulators to mark sovereign debt to market in bank stress tests.
The sovereign debt issues in the US and Europe are dodgy.
In the current sovereign-debt crisis that is rolling over Europe, speculators, and especially credit-default swaps, are suffering another assault.
The sovereign debt crisis in Europe has slowed down the economic recovery, he said, adding that the impact of the crisis is more severe and complicated than people expected.
The first calculation is helped by the sovereign-debt crisis in Europe.
The result: Some analysts are talking about the sovereign-debt story moving away from Europe in the next few months and hitting the U.S., which also has a massive budget deficit.
In Europe, Tier 1 ratios were distorted because bank regulators decided that sovereign debt (the bonds of countries including Greece and Portugal) should be considered risk-free.
WHILE the developed world tries to stave off a wave of sovereign debt defaults in Europe, the Brazilian economy is partying like it's 2008.
It follows the onset of a sovereign debt crisis in Europe which has seen Greece bailed out by the IMF and Spain face an investor exodus.
The massive selloff in U.S. markets on Thursday appears rooted in Europe as fears of a sovereign debt default in Italy and Spain caused traders to panic and run for cover.
But amid economic uncertainty in the US and as the sovereign debt crisis in Europe intensifies, they have opted to run down their stocks rather than import more.
In Europe output could slow as sovereign debt fears spread beyond Greece, forcing the likes of Portugal (see article) to tighten fiscal policy faster.
European stocks were down in afternoon trading, and some Asian markets continued their slide, driven by fears of slowing growth in the United States and the sovereign debt crisis in Europe.
The euro has bounced back since June in part because markets are more confident that Europe has got to grips with its sovereign-debt problems.
The reason for the stock market rout is a combination of fears over the sovereign debt crisis in Europe and growing concern about the US recovery.
First, in Europe, the sovereign debt crisis of main developed countries inflation milder, international market commodity prices fell sharply, imported inflation pressure decreased significantly.
The result: Some analysts are talking about the sovereign-debt story moving away from Europe in the next few months and hitting the U. S., which also has a massive budget deficit.
The global economy is now even more dependent on China for demand, given the tepid recovery in the U. S. and the continuing sovereign-debt problems in Europe.
Sovereign bond yields in Europe have been watched closely of late as an indication of sentiment towards the ongoing debt crisis.
The sovereign debt crisis in Europe has not evaporated and the ECB will have to trend carefully to keep the lid from blowing off.
ROBERT ZOELLICK : We're still in a danger zone. There are three issues that Europe is trying to struggle with at once: competitiveness, the banking system and sovereign debt.
The massive selloff in U. S. markets on Thursday appears rooted in Europe as fears of a sovereign debt default in Italy and Spain caused traders to panic and run for cover.
The banking sector in Europe is still laden with sovereign debt.
The banking sector in Europe is still laden with sovereign debt.