A preemptive strike against a sovereign nation raises moral and legal issues.
A small but vocal group of Hawaiians and environmentalists have long viewed their presence as disrespect for sacred land and a painful reminder of the occupation of what was once a sovereign nation.
No, I don't mean a looming default by a sovereign nation that has all of Europe scared.
I have never declared war on a sovereign nation, but if I ever do, I'm appointing Tracy my general.
A determined country could leave the euro and establish its own currency again: nothing is truly irreversible for a sovereign nation.
Israel can determine for itself as a sovereign nation what's in their interest and what they decide to do relative to Iran and anyone else.
Although a sovereign nation, it is strongly dependent on Italy, by which it has been completely surrounded since that country "s unification in the 19th century."
Tolowa, the language of the Tolowa Native American tribe, is spoken by a few members located in the Smith River Rancheria. a sovereign nation, near Crescent City, Calif.
The importance of the sovereign state is linked to territoriality: because nation-states control territory, they also control the corporations that operate within that territory.
A nation - state is a sovereign state in which the people and the state are an entity and whose score is this people.
Since the medieval age, the Parliament, consisting of the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the sovereign, was the core of power and the symbol of the nation.
Expropriation and deprivation are the acts that the nation use power based on sovereign and allowed by constitution and other law to provide the property to the subject requiring it.
I actually don't understand how this infringes on the sovereign rights of China as a nation.
I actually don't understand how this infringes on the sovereign rights of China as a nation.