Taxi of tomorrow: The space-age pods with no driver, no fumes... just a 'start' button.
The good citizens of Houston are rightly indignant about being deprived of their space-age heritage.
The space-age Bubble Dream Castle in southern France, near Cannes, was begun in 1975 by Antti Lovag.
And in May of 1910 folks all over the nation were in a space-age state of turmoil over Halley's Comet.
And in May of 1910 folks all over the nation were in a space-age state of 5 turmoil over 6 Halley's Comet.
It has terrific museums, architectural treasures, and open-air shopping as well as space-age factories and world-class markets.
One of these was the evolution of the hammer and sickle symbol from its agrarian roots into a space-age propaganda object, as seen above.
The first ones to come into wide use—glowing a space-age red—turned up in the clock radios, pocket calculators, and digital watches of the 1970s.
The pair employed the latest space-age materials - Dacron, which was already used in heart grafts, as well as Teflon and a flexible silicone called Silastic.
But over the past couple of years, the addition of RFID chips has raised the process of snatching a tuna roll off a rubber strip to space-age bachelor-pad heights.
但在过去的几年里,RFID芯片已经将抓取吞拿鱼卷成橡胶条的过程提升到了太空时代单身公寓的高度。在制作寿司的过程中使用微芯片在功能上分. .。
These space-age solar cells are shaped like conventional shingles and can be installed just like regular shingles, then wired into your home's electric system.
She says that instead of using a team of experts with laptop computers and other devices, it will soon be possible to send only one person with a space-age backpack.
As a kid, I would have said we'd be eating roast-dinner space-age capsules by 2036, but as a chef, campaigner and father, I now take the future of food much more seriously.
This view is conceptual, but based on real science observations that have been made since the beginning of the Space Age.
In addition to shaping architecture, car and gadget design, the Space Age had a profound impact on American pop culture.
At that time, we were at the beginning of the age of [space] automation, discovery and research.
Science fiction writers and visionary artists of the aborning Space Age applied their talents to picturing a grand future beyond the wild blue yonder.
For all its flaws, it was a bold idea: to replace the throw-away rockets that began the space age with a truck that could go in and out of orbit routinely.
The idea of inflatable spacecraft dates back almost to the beginning of the space age, solving a stubborn conundrum with putting stuff in space.
We are 50 years into the space age, and yet space travel is just as expensive as it always was.
Whatever happened to the space age as imagined back in the 1950s and early ’60s, when science fiction writers and rocket scientists spun tales of travel out in the solar system and beyond?
"When we launched, the space age was only 20 years old, so we had no evidence that things last that long," added California Institute of Technology's Ed Stone, Voyager project scientist.
Launching humans into space and landing astronauts on the moon in the early years of the space age captured the public imagination, but those days are long past, Weinberg argues.
2mr. Gagarin training before his historic space flight at the age of 27.
In his home office, a floor-to-ceiling cabinet houses a tower of high-end stereo components-including a Space age-looking turntable that cost as much as a used car.
Space Age "Boy-Topia" : October 1959.
Space Age "Boy-Topia" : October 1959.