Using built-in storage units and niches is space saving.
Compared with quadtree representation, the average space saving of P-quadtree representation is about 94%.
For example, it's impossible to create a space saving newspaper typeface with an extremely wide body width.
Most people know about and use some shorthand, but many don't make full use of these space saving properties.
Space saving, occupy area of only 1.8 Square Meters while can hold dozens of sets of small - medium sized mold.
The utility model has the advantages of environmental protection, energy saving, compactly integral process and space saving.
The compression algorithm is intelligent enough not to compress rows that will not realize in any significant disk-space saving.
The transmitting performance is good during the motor running, which is of high structure stability, space saving and low cost.
The utility model has the advantages of convenient operation, space saving, without the backwards and forwards transportation, etc.
Because of good performance and space saving, gearless permanent magnet synchronous traction machine is more and more widely used to drive the elevator.
Newly fitted wardrobes Milton Keynes can be the ideal space saving addition to any room that will provide you with hogan shoes, functionality and practicality.
The simple and straight narration in classical Chinese is suitable to its style with the aim of space saving and continuation of history books written in biographical style.
By combining the uncoiler straightener, we have succeeded in creating this new space saving model. The position of straightener is easily changeable for more flexible machine layout.
Myisampack.exe Compresses myisam table use VALUE COMPRESSION in create table statement to use the space saving row format at the column or table level to reduce space required for a table.
Many system administrators like the idea of saving disk space while also keeping source and binary files together and in sync in the same system.
DAOS is a method of saving disk space when multiple mail users are sent the same attachment.
When it does not need the retrieved SOA any more, it releases itself from the repository, saving disk space while increasing speed and performance.
当它不再需要检索到的SOA 时,将从库中释放自己,当提高速度及性能时节省磁盘空间。
It allows more space for suitcases, saving business travelers time by avoiding luggage check-in and pick-up.
In the interest of saving space, however, I decided not to cover them explicitly in this article.
One SR-5124 typically replaces 4 to 8 tape recorders plus the associated user control software and analog filters, saving space and reducing logistical complexities.
一部典型的SR- 5124能够取代4到8部磁带录音机及其相关的用户控制软件和模拟滤波器,能够节省空间并降低后勤复杂度。
The remaining space is used for saving registers and storing local variables.
I was also in the beta for this, and besides saving space, compression may speed up your system.
It is more normalized thereby avoiding data redundancy and saving storage space.
The OED explains that shorthands such as LOL and OMG have gone beyond just saving space and acquired nuanced meanings of their own, with "a bit more than simple abbreviation going on."
The solution: a space-saving integrated GPU.
The thin, space-saving implements are the most successful gadget ever sold on HSN, with 100 million hanging out there in closets across the country.
Remizov collaborated on the project with Moscow-based scientist Lev Britvin, who has developed energy-saving solutions for space stations.
Before I get into the details of using XML, a short cautionary word is in order: XML is not a small, fast, space-saving format.
Before I get into the details of using XML, a short cautionary word is in order: XML is not a small, fast, space-saving format.