We have made great progress in space technology and will soon start building our own space station.
These products are only a few examples of the many ways space technology helps us in our everyday lives.
All of these clothes are similar to the spacesuit designs that kept astronauts comfortable in the temperatures of the moon, and are spin-offs from space technology.
Additionally, we learned a tremendous amount of things about outer space technology.
It is divided into four major sections: Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, GPS, and Space Technology at Work.
Both sides can also strengthen cooperation in the areas of tourism, sand storm prevention and space technology.
Great importance has been attached to the peaceful use and development of nuclear energy and space technology.
Slick, voluble, confident - Salzgeber epitomises a salesman whose job is to promote the benefits of space technology.
Tethered system is an important technology of astronautics, which is a new domain of space technology in these days.
But the flip side of that assertion is that any advanced space technology development is also a potential weapons program.
That's what we are trying to do today with our roadmap technology discussions: explore the future of space technology.
The report concludes that China "stole 'or" illegally acquired' US space technology through the failure investigation.
The development has even taken fellow Nasa scientists by surprise, and it promises to open new frontiers in space technology.
MT KESHE: Yes. So, on the other hand, this is space technology, as the need of the man in the space has different sections.
SinoSat-2, mainly developed and manufactured by the Chinese Academy of Space Technology, weighs about 5.1 tons and has 22 transponders.
The demands for resources exploration and development, environmental monitoring and protection using space technology are increasing.
Some analysts say that China's attempts to access American space technology are less about boosting its space program than upgrading its military.
With the rapid development of outer space technology, out space, the once-deemed "high frontier", has been attached with increasing military value.
Although it means a great achievement for us Chinese, we are facing new challenges in the future and need to do further research in space technology.
Sloshing of Complex Liquid-filled spacecraft and its influence on the control systems are the recently significant problem in the space technology.
Are multinational corporations ready to use Open Space Technology to make wide-scope direction-setting decisions that effect the entire enterprise?
跨国公司准备好使用OpenSpace Technology来制订将影响到整个企业的大范围、方向性的决定么?
The accelerating development of the space technology and the rocket weapon technology calls for increasingly high reliability of the rocket propulsion system.
So it is only natural for America, now the leader in space, to try to protect its dominance and prevent weapons proliferating by controlling the export of its space technology.
Qian wrote a proposal for a winged space plane that the magazine Aviation Week and Space Technology, in 2007, called an inspiration for research that led to NASA's space shuttle.
Qian wrote a proposal for a winged space plane that the magazine Aviation Week and Space Technology, in 2007, called an inspiration for research that led to NASA's space shuttle.