This story too is relatively sparely narrated, with little reported speech.
Not be a kind of goodness forever sparely, should undertake thinking over to traditional consumptive idea.
Southwestern u. s is desert and semidesert, sparely covered with giant cactus and low shrubs, hot in the day and cold at night.
It was a misty afternoon, but the February sun shone dimly, and we could just distinguish the two fir trees in the yard, and the sparely scattered gravestones.
When James flies, you should better choose airborne dodge, otherwise you can become the next background male. Duncan sparely no effort sells his recent discovery to the people.
“I’ve just taken one or two liberties with your copy, ” he would say, meaning that it had been completely rewritten into the best simple, accurate, sparely punctuated Colquhoun prose.
"I've just taken one or two liberties with your copy," he would say, meaning that it had been completely rewritten into the best simple, accurate, sparely punctuated Colquhoun prose.
My own Chinese education was defective in that I had assumed that the vast, sparely rugged landscapes of classical Chinese painting were more spiritual lesson than a faithful rendering of place.
My own Chinese education was defective in that I had assumed that the vast, sparely rugged landscapes of classical Chinese painting were more spiritual lesson than a faithful rendering of place.