Below you see a small exposition of Tesla Coil spark pictures.
On a distributor system, the secondary HT voltage produced by the coil is allocated to the appropriate spark plug via the contacts inside the distributor cap.
An induction coil that converts current from a battery into the high-voltage current required by spark plugs.
The main interference source is spark plug, high-voltage ignition coil cap and the high-voltage coil.
For the final version of the twin coil a synchronous rotary spark gap is being assembled, which will allow the tank capacitance to be increased and will provide the maximum possible efficiency.
Steve Ward can tune his Tesla coil so that the crackle of each spark sounds like a musical note.
In addition, the influence of the spark energy, the gas stream speed and the electrode distance on the lean ignition limit of the gasoline-air mixtures by an automobile ignition coil was determined.
In addition, the influence of the spark energy, the gas stream speed and the electrode distance on the lean ignition limit of the gasoline-air mixtures by an automobile ignition coil was determined.