I don't want to talk to her because it will only spark off a row.
I do not want to talk to her because it will only spark off a row.
This can be achieved by the use of a comparable communicative clue intended to spark off a comparable effect.
The writers see things, and performances spark off other ideas and actors, so it's almost like an unspoken relationship there between the actors and the writers.
There hydrogen in the released gas met a spark and exploded, blowing the roofs off the buildings but not, it seemed at the time, damaging the containment systems.
Forward goes to the basket and even USES his off hand to impress Jackson and spark victory over Mavericks.
"The train slowed down abruptly, the lights went off, and then there was a spark of fire and smoke. We were blocked in," one passenger told Russian TV.
In just seconds, a spark or even the sun's heat alone sets off an inferno.
The parameters which affect the hold off voltage of the one stage pseudo spark switch such as the working gas, the pressure, the gap distance and the hole diameter of the electrodes have been studied.
The solid state switch device uses power MOSFET as soft switch, so, the spark doesn't appear when the circuit turn on or turn off.
Rainbow gives off spiritual hope and guides our surrounding environment with a spark of brightness.
Caution! Before carrying out any maintenance or handling the machine, turn the engine off, wait until the blade stops rotating and disconnect the ignition cable from the spark plug.
Rub or pick off as much lint as you can. The resulting pile of fuzz will quickly catch a spark when you're trying to light a fire.
Typically, it takes one or two very successful people to spark a cluster to take off.
Typically, it takes one or two very successful people to spark a cluster to take off.