If no one has the courage to speak out against bullying, the situation will be worse.
They are too frightened to speak out against the gun-toting thugs.
Imagine a world in which Martin Luther King had failed to speak out against oppressive racism.
Of course we have to speak out against abortion. But how active are we in doing something about it?
No need for a new contact group on the Tuvalu proposal. China, India and others also speak out against the Tuvalu idea.
However, Jack is reluctant to speak out against his boss, who is highly respected, longtime employee of Burt's Burgers.
It's why we speak out against the deplorable anti-Semitism that has resurfaced in certain parts of the world. Applause.
Energy markets should remain volatile as more and more countries speak out against nuclear power in the wake of the Japanese earthquake.
Today, Dylan took to his website to speak out against the accusations and other matters relating to his tour of Asia. Here are some excerpts.
The oldest and wisest Elves speak out against this careless talk; those who remember the dark and treacherous times of the Sundering care not for it to be repeated again.
Each generation must accept blame not only for the hateful words and actions of some of its members but also for the failure of other members to speak out against those words and actions.
It will probably be uncontroversial because the few remaining climate-change skeptics prepared to speak out against the consensus argue not so much about the climate science as about its consequences.
This kind of support empowers us, and our hope is to empower those supporters in return to have civil courage and to amplify their voices when they speak out against injustice or for a better world.
Somewhat late in the day, her cabinet colleagues have now started to speak out too against bank bonuses, so there is no disloyalty there.
The worry is that the balance in France leans against public disclosure to such an extent that few victims of harassment by powerful figures dare speak out.
We, the undersigned, strongly urge you to speak out and vote against any motion or procedure to grant Japan the status as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council.
I feel no resentment so strongly as that against forces which make men and women afraid to speak out forthrightly.
I feel no resentment so strongly as that against forces which make men and women afraid to speak out forthrightly.