Finding the cause of a memory leak can be a tedious process, not to mention one that will require special debugging tools.
When the construction site may cause damages to the adjacent buildings, structures and special operating environment, the construction enterprises shall adopt safety and preventive measures.
Users can often cause problems when they set special Settings in their browsers.
These are a normal by-product of mitochondrial activity, but are usually mopped up by special enzymes before they can escape and cause harm—for instance, by damaging a cell's DNA.
Names containing special characters can cause instant death in SSO scenarios.
Whenever you allow a user to type in free text, you must ensure that the text doesn't contain special characters that could cause harm.
It buffers variability due to common cause variation, and exposes special cause variability, providing candidates for Kaizen.
Presentation to cause your prospect to want to complete your message i.e. tell them there's a misspelled word in your sales copy, and if they can find it - they get a special deal.
Names containing special characters also cause problems in the Collaborative Portlets as well as the Domino extended product family.
Names with special characters can cause trouble in SSO scenarios at the time that the name in an LTPA cookie is transformed from LDAP format to Domino format, and vice versa.
在SSO场景中,当LTPAcookie中的名称从LDAP格式转换到Domino 格式时,带有特殊字符的名称可能会引发问题,反之亦然。
We rightly fear our networks and devices being attacked-but we should not let this fear cause us to destroy what makes the Internet special.
If you’re taking that special someone out for a pricey dinner, why not have your bill go to a good cause?
There are a large number of characters that can cause special problems; where possible, you don't want to allow characters that have a special meaning to the program internals or the eventual output.
Viewing solar eclipses safely requires special filters on glasses, cameras, and telescopes, because looking directly at the sun without such protection can cause eye damage.
That the ISO just proved itself open to the influence of special interests, is the consequence, not the cause, of its present irrelevance (again, in the software field).
ISO 受到社会利益集团影响这件事,只是它与软件领域无关的一个结果,而不是起因。
High doses can cause serious side effects, including kidney problems-an issue of special concern to people with diabetes.
The condition, which can cause extreme daytime sleepiness, can be effectively treated with a special breathing device that alleviates the blockage by pushing air into throat.
MICHELLE YEOH: It's a very special place, 'cause this is honestly where my career started.
Follow any special regulations in force in any area and always switch off your phone whenever it is forbidden to use it or, when it may cause interference or danger.
The range of local body-fitting coordinate mesh adjacent to the wall with special geometry should not be too wide or extended, or it would cause the aberration of computational results.
Special procedures are used to ensure that these crosslinkers will not react at bath temperature to cause instability.
The successful application of portable grille remover adds a new special equipment for water treatment cause in China.
The physical culture lottery ticket is a special economical way, which can support the social public welfare cause.
In a certain field, addiction to seeking special leadership will cause obsession with the special knowledge and disregard of the perfection of whole cosmos.
Since there was no special therapy for this disease, TGP could cause 100 % death rate of infected piglets.
These special forms cause certain functions defined in the builder class to replace the ordinary built-in behavior of these operations.
These special forms cause certain functions defined in the builder class to replace the ordinary built-in behavior of these operations.