Special handling is provided for certain objects.
State the special handling procedures for damaged packages.
Test runner frameworks like FlexUnit also require special handling for async operations.
Use of special handling, vibrant colors do not fade, free washing, ironing, cutting.
For example, there is longer any special handling of JMS managed object definitions required.
Specify the weight, cubes, and number of pieces and arrange for special handling requirements.
You may call base either before or after your special handling, depending on your requirements.
Processing this data requires special handling of the generic element when it occurs in the data instance.
Objects and closures get along very well, as we saw by the special handling of closures within object-oriented code.
In particular, using depth texture in an Image Effect often needs special handling on Direct3D + Anti-Aliasing.
Note any issues such as customs clearances, storage, special handling, and any holidays that may interrupt delivery.
Charter service - Air charter services can accommodate your special handling and space requirements around the world.
If the list of items has only one entry, then the JSON produced will not have square brackets () and you must do some special handling.
This is why forking before opening connections is probably a good idea, and forking after opening connections requires special handling.
The premise of face special handling is face detection and location. This thesis researches this problem using image processing algorithms.
Special handling procedures are completed thermocouple MAX6675 chip to read the data, based on the SPI protocol, using single-chip MSP430F149.
It implements the pass-through handling for a supplied class writer instance, letting you override only the methods where you need special handling.
These include on-line, off-line or near-line storage, required throughput rate, maximum allowed bit error rate, or special handling or backup procedures.
Conduct comprehensive monthly departmental meetings to include a review of procedures and events which warrants special handling and detailed information.
This paper expounded all technical difficult points in detail and special handling methods, including how to replenish the low frequency and draw the wavelet.
Application programmers should be sure to test the behavior of the transaction manager in such situations to sufficiently accommodate any necessary special handling.
This configuration option allows also a special handling of "VIPs" by adding a special thread for just one mailbox, giving it thus priority treatment for processing.
这种配置选项还可以为一个邮箱添加一个特殊的线程,使之具有优先处理权,从而可以进行特殊的 "VIP"处理。
Such as environmental pollution, traffic jams, the proliferation of waste requiring special handling, and the resulting negative psychological and social impact.
For young athletes, those that are active in sports leagues and primarily those that represent their school, there are unique needs that require special handling.
Note that this association also enables developers to see which columns require special handling in the application because of the private nature of the data contained in them.
The wide flammability range, 4% to 74% in air, and the small amount of energy required for ignition necessitate special handling to prevent the inadvertent mixing of hydrogen with air.
Some scenarios, however, might call for invoking commands or allowing for a special handling UI to display so that the automation client does not have to reproduce the work of those dialogs.
Special kinds of imports and exports for JMS, called JMS bindings, enable users to specify the binding configuration and write data handling code themselves.
If special measures are not taken, this results in the "islands of exception handling" (Figure 1) 2.
If special measures are not taken, this results in the "islands of exception handling" (Figure 1) 2.