This special privilege is due to a concerted effort by the players behind the basketball players.
When he earns a certain amount of stickers, he then receives a special privilege or treat for his efforts.
If she wants a special privilege or activity, she must earn it through extra effort or excellent behavior.
The grant of franchise is a special privilege that constitutes a right and a duty to be performed by the grantee.
I consider it a special privilege to wish the bride, on behalf of her classmates, the best of luck and much happiness on the occasion of her wedding.
This special privilege is due to a concerted effort by the players behind the basketball players, that is, the basketball leagues' owners and sponsors.
It is a privilege to represent Bombardier to this very special event and to have the opportunity to say a few words.
The members of the club have the privilege of buying the football ticket at special rates.
The goal of the thesis is to develop a user privilege management system as a subsystem of MIS of special items to provide user management and access control functions.
If you are one of those few people who have experienced this magical feeling, then you will understand what a privilege it is to be with that special someone and love them as much as you can.
There is a special process, the Kernel process, whose threads run at supervisor privilege level. This process normally contains two threads.
Based on a MIS of special items of some department in Beijing, this subject is to study how to design and implement a privilege management system.
Based on a MIS of special items of some department in Beijing, this subject is to study how to design and implement a privilege management system.