Spinning wool fibers into yarns requires some special procedures.
Some of our patients will need special procedures to prepare them for surgery, and I help with that too.
Because he is in front of a foreshadowing of that to buy Chinese stocks take some of the special procedures.
In traditional Chinese law, cases are those judicial decisions with general effect established by special procedures.
Special procedures are used to ensure that these crosslinkers will not react at bath temperature to cause instability.
To ensure that the Assembly a complete success , in accordance with international rules , the special procedures are worked out as follows.
The responding of emergencies has some characteristic which is limit urgency and times, flexible discretion, special procedures and norms and authority.
Special procedures monitoring temperature, Angle and Speed allow for ultimate testing of the shuttles in order to determine different grades of shuttlecocks.
Based on this specificity, in judicial practice, many countries creat specialized bodies and special procedures to resolve family disputes, which represented by the divorce disputes.
Special procedures, eg, specific radiographic evaluations and laboratory studies, also are obtained at this time. Complete evaluation of the patient requires repeated physical examinations.
Because of special startup procedures, triggering cannot be used to start the application server.
Under special circumstances, based on the need of the social public interests, equity joint ventures may be expropriated under legal procedures and against appropriate compensation.
Colonoscopy and biopsy are safe when performed by surgeons who have had special training and are experienced in these endoscopic procedures.
Gastroscopy and biopsy are generally safe when performed by surgeons who have had special training and are experienced in these endoscopic procedures.
Because of the particularity of notarization character, "notary" is a kind of special and legal occupation, which will guide relatively social behaviors according to legal procedures and laws.
Special methods and organizational procedures are required, which have to be fulfilled while considering strict business conditions and time schedules at the same time.
Under special circumstances, students unable to ask for leave in advance, he must inform International School via telephone, explain the reasons and retroactive leave procedures.
Conduct comprehensive monthly departmental meetings to include a review of procedures and events which warrants special handling and detailed information.
AIX V6.1 provides special administrative procedures to help configure auto logoff feature with these utilities. The following explains and provides examples on these procedures.
These include: announcements, special orders and a series of procedures that are to pump monies quickly into the "starved" economies of your globe.
Both wood and fiberglass need special analysis procedures to predict the strength of a specific structural member.
The special nature, objective, content and procedures of judicial practice determine the manifestation, solemnity, conciseness of the language in comparison with language for other specific purposes.
Think how much easier it would all be if there were some swift surgical procedures to whisk away all the ugly memories and mistakes and leave only the fun trips and special holidays.
And what that means it's there's all sorts of precautions and procedures you take that are special when you deal with these.
And what that means it's there's all sorts of precautions and procedures you take that are special when you deal with these.