Article 3 the asset-backed securities shall be issued a the trustee of a special purpose trust, representing the beneficiary shares of the special purpose trust.
Article 11 an originator of the securitization of credit assets refers to a financial institution which transfers credit assets through the established special purpose trust.
Article 3 the asset-backed securities shall be issued by the special purpose trustee institution, representing the shares of beneficial rights under the special purpose trust.
After inspecting various countries' practices, many successful cases in the world indicated that Special Purpose Trust is a practical and feasible way to operate Asset Securitization.
The special purpose carries the law organized form of body to is divided in to trust a type, company type and the limited partnership type be three kinds of forms and they are each beneficial frauds.
The special purpose carries the law organized form of body to is divided in to trust a type, company type and the limited partnership type be three kinds of forms and they are each beneficial frauds.