The group may need to go through a special session to examine its purpose or resolve value conflicts.
Mr Fukuda may close this special session of the Diet and vote on the refuelling law when the ordinary session opens in January.
But Andrew Johnson surprised the radicals. He did not call the special session of Congress. Instead, he announced his own program for the southern states.
On May 25th the United Nations Human Rights Council convened a special session on Sri Lanka following a request submitted by Germany on behalf of 17 mostly European countries.
While many Americans think Roosevelt had the entire New Deal in mind for the special session, he in fact initially assumed that Congress would deal only with the banking crisis and then adjourn.
Note that no special treatment of the SAP client ID is required since it is implicitly given by the underlying session parameter.
The automatic session cleaning needs no special configuration, but remember to change the default policy when necessary.
Unlike servlets, stateful session beans do not require any special objects or the use of an additional interface to create stateful connections.
Parliament was scheduled to convene on January 31, 2011, with a special joint session of the upper and lower houses to follow within 15 days.
Some people prefer to use db2_install when installing DB2 on a large, complex database system that has special requirements or when installing DB2 using a telnet session to the DB2 server.
当在有特殊需求的大型、复杂的数据库系统上安装DB2 时,或者在使用telnet会话将 DB2 安装到 DB2服务器上时,有些人喜欢使用 db2_install。
Then use the OPTPROFILE bind option at the package level, or the CURRENT optimization profile special register at the session level, to enable the optimization profile.
There is one special situation, however, in which a product owner may need to provide his or her own effort estimates in a planning poker session. Dan Rawsthorne points out.
The special register can be set to a desired value to enable certain maintained table objects for a session.
In the course of deliberation, the relevant special committee may invite members of other special committees to the session to give comments.
A special case of the session locking pattern, mentioned above, is the need for a single lock on a set of tables.
If a deputy can not attend a session due to health or any other special reason, he shall ask for leave in accordance with the relevant provisions.
The session key s is divided into the sum of S1 and S2. Under the condition of a large integer factoring problem, S1 is decrypted by constructing a special equation (scheme 1).
The station is organising a special SMS session in conjunction with his newly released Heroes of Earth.
The critiques will be discussed during a special recitation session held between the first draft and final draft deadlines.
评论将会在初稿和终稿截止时间之间的一个专门的时间进行讨论 。
Working with this special group of children tested me greatly, but I found that the hardest part was saying goodbye at the end of each two-week session.
Working with this special group of children tested me greatly, but I found that the hardest part was saying goodbye at the end of each two-week session.