And that means climate change could end up driving nearly 20 percent of existing lizard species extinct by 2080.
And that means climate change could end up drive nearly 20 percent of existing lizard species extinct by 2080.
The research finds that cats have played a significant role in making 40 dog species extinct, outcompeting them for scarce food supplies because they are generally more effective hunters.
Cases in which many species become extinct within a geologically short interval of time are called mass extinctions.
Boundary clay layers are used by scientists to determine the rate at which an extinct species declined.
Geigl and her colleagues looked at 3200-year-old fossil bones belonging to a single individual of an extinct cattle species called an aurochs.
Even if the new population is of a different species, it can approximately fill the niche vacated by the extinct population and keep the food web intact.
They will tum out to be the second-largest species of birds to become extinct.
Gause performed numerous tow-species experiments in the laboratory, in which one of the species became extinct when only a single kind of resource was available.
When a species goes extinct, it dramatically changes the landscape of biodiversity.
Whatever the cause, dinosaurs, as well as about half of all species on the planet, went extinct.
This break in Earth's history is marked by a mass extinction, when as many as half the species on the planet became extinct.
Thanks to natural selection, most species that have ever lived has already gone extinct, so this is not a new phenomenon.
Humans arrived in the Kaliko Islands about 7,000 years ago, and within 3,000 years most of the large mammal species that had lived in the forests of the Kaliko Islands were extinct.
Meteorite impacts can be advantageous for some species, which thrive, and disastrous for other species, which become extinct.
The Russian biologist G. F. Gause performed numerous tow-species experiments in the laboratory, in which one of the species became extinct when only a single kind of resource was available.
俄罗斯生物学家G. F.Gause在试验室进行了大量的两个物种的实验,试验中,当只有单一的资源时,其中一个物种将会灭绝。
An extinct species or race of human beings, Homo neanderthalensis, associated with Middle Paleolithic tools.
"If the atmosphere filled up with nitrogen, mankind would not survive," she continued, as we inspected an extinct species of bird. "that does not mean that mankind deserved to die."
More to the point, 480 of the 492 species made extinct since Roman times have disappeared in the past two centuries.
The extinctions differ from species to species, and we don't find any common genetic characteristic to distinguish extinct from surviving species.
A mission aimed at rediscovering amphibian species thought to be extinct has yielded its first results.
A further 875 species are considered extinct including 66 that are extinct in the wild.
The expeditions, formally launched last month, collectively aim to find out whether 100 species thought extinct are in fact still alive.
Since then, four species have gone extinct, and the remaining six are all on the IUCN’s critically endangered list.
Since then, four species have gone extinct, and the remaining six are all on the IUCN's critically endangered list.
A technology used to develop new medical treatments might one day revive endangered or extinct species.
Human population is drastically reduced. Perhaps 90% of species become extinct, rivalling the worst mass extinctions in the Earth's 4.5 billion-year history.
If certain species should become extinct, Kraemer saysthere would be enough of the basic building blocks to reintroduce the speciesin the future.
We can tell from fossil evidence in rocks that many living species have become extinct over the millions of years since life began.
We can tell from fossil evidence in rocks that many living species have become extinct over the millions of years since life began.