Natto is a rich source of a specific form of vitamin K called K2.
With Content Collector, you can assign a specific form to a folder in the E-mail client.
您可以使用ContentCollector向e - mail客户端的文件夹中指定一个特定的表单。
When clicking the submit button, a specific form validation is performed through ApplicationUtil.
Resource injection, also known as dependency injection, is a specific form of inversion of control.
Values, a spirit of human-specific form, are the people's systems of beliefs about fundamental values.
Focuss on various tenses or forms, by highlighting examples of a specific form in a text you are reading.
Itscharacteristic is that every knot is made with asingle rope and named by its specific form andmeaning.
Pigmentary glaucoma is a specific form of open-angle glaucoma found in patients with pigment dispersion syndrome.
The security of the signature schemes whose signatures have specific form is discussed in the random oracle model.
Firstly, from outside form, texturing method has the element of formative beauty as a specific form of stylization.
This article showed a specific form of IoC that applies to the parameters of the component methods and not to components.
The transmission of Buddhism from India, with its ideological character go per the specific form of clothing made further elaboration.
Rutting which is the specific form of asphalt pavement deformation is one of the most serious damage types of asphalt pavement in China.
The research focuses on a specific form of nitrogen oxides present only at night — during the day it is broken down by even the faintest sunlight.
Rent-seeking activity in tourism market presents its specific form and it is one of the major reasons for the various kinds of disadvantages.
A work song is a piece of music closely connected to a specific form of work, either sung while conducting a task (often to coordinate timing).
MDR-TB is a specific form of drug-resistant TB due to a bacillus resistant to at least isoniazid and rifampicin, the two most powerful anti-TB drugs.
Training of human resources development as a specific form to improve the business skills and overall quality of staff plays a very important role.
These files can be in some specific form (discussed later in this article) that is understood by the IDS so that it can be accessed using SQL queries.
We also need to add the contracts for the agreed upon time and effective time to make specific provisions, as well as specific form and detailed and so forth.
Jump directly to a form in a related db - you can select a button to jump to a specific form of a related database as opposed to always going to the list view.
At this stage, if interested, the potential buyer can make an appointment at their nearest showroom by filling in a specific form requesting further information.
But while a tendency towards anxiety and fear may well be an inherited trait, the specific form that the fear takes has more to do with the individual's environment.
A universal law of relationships is that to create the relationship you want, you need to focus on creating the essence of what you want, rather than on a specific form.
However, no matter the specific form of suiting how to, its last purpose is let the data of tax revenue the key role on the modern management and service of tax revenue.
Corrective justice as reflected by fault liability doctrine, is in essence merely a specific form, while the base of strict liability doctrine is still correlative justice.
This is a specific form of weak consistency; the storage system guarantees that if no new updates are made to the object, eventually all accesses will return the last updated value.
This is a specific form of weak consistency; the storage system guarantees that if no new updates are made to the object, eventually all accesses will return the last updated value.