There is the program target—people in the market segment with the "best fit" characteristics for a specific product.
According to the user's requirements and tailor specific product specifications.
updateProduct($id, $data): Updates a specific product in the database with new values
updateProduct($id, $data):将数据库中一个特定产品更新为新值
Enable searching of a product's Information Center, which contains resources for a specific product.
Enable filtering of the IBM Software Support Documents search results by a specific product and version.
Based on the platform, an intellectual CAD system for specific product design can be developed rapidly.
Since I don't want to tie the column to a specific product, I will leave the editor as an exercise for the reader.
As you only want to display rules that contain a specific product in the rule's head, you have to define a filter.
Also, viscous media can not be applied, and that specific product for the medium viscosity range is relatively narrow.
The PPE, although architecturally similar to other 64-bit PowerPC chips, isn't directly related to a specific product line.
Once all the checks in Step 2 have been successfully verified, you can start having a look at the specific product functionalities.
Fluid bed dryer bags are another example of equipment that is difficult to clean and is often dedicated to a specific product.
In terms of specific product announcements MAX included the introduction of Flex 3.2 and AIR 1.5. New features in Flex 3.2 include.
就特定的产品声明来说,MAX介绍了Flex 3.2和AIR 1.5。
In contrast, professional certification takes into account a candidate’s entire career, not just a focus on one specific product.
This may be clear to a Workbench user, but the first translation is done by a central organization without specific product knowledge.
If you're looking for a specific product that isn't in the list, check to see that you have an active relationship with the vendor.
Where applicable, specific product names are provided when describing capabilities that may not be available in all the products listed above.
The portable collector is a lightweight application that provides a text-based interface for running collector scripts for a specific product.
In addition to these specific product advantages, a large amount of agronomic evidence supports the use of urea in many cropping systems.
But if you try to promote affiliate products on a page that's also meant to sell a specific product, you'll end up doing a lousy job of both.
Thus, should realize to carries on before the design in a specific product, must first determine whether the people do need this kind of product.
Order of Battle: Each market has a finite number of acquirers, and a finite number of deal-makers, each looking to fill specific product/market holes.
Note: the following products for customer reference only, the specific product size and style can be processed according to customer requirements.
Ensure identification of the brand with customers and an association of the brand in customers' minds with a specific product class or customer need.
Design principles can sometimes outlast the specific product itself, or even be extended across lines of products to give them all a similar grounding.
You can fine tune your search to find information related to specific IBM products or even specific product versions, specific types of documents, and so on.
Professional certification is not to be confused with product certification, in which an individual is tested on skills for a specific product or technology.
Professional certification is not to be confused with product certification, in which an individual is tested on skills for a specific product or technology.