The national sport of Japan is sumo, mainly a spectator sport watched on television.
Employee evaluations, especially less-than-stellar ones, are "not a spectator sport."
Although professional football is the nation "s favorite spectator sport, professional baseball is also very popular."
We the people are obsessed with their gamesmanship, like its a spectator sport while the wealth of the nation is becoming singularly consolidated.
Every day, on the newscasts and in the papers, we see pictures of people in extreme conditions of grief and despair. Human suffering has become a spectator sport.
Watching markets move is a great spectator sport, but it's not a great participant sport unless you're a market pro, in which case you shouldn't need any help from me.
While competitive basketball is carefully regulated, numerous variations of basketball have developed for casual play. In some countries, basketball is also a popular spectator sport.
The sport consumption needs are significantly correlated with the expenditure in sport and male students have stronger needs than female students in material, data and spectator.
The sport consumption needs are significantly correlated with the expenditure in sport and male students have stronger needs than female students in material, data and spectator.