Liquidity inflow fuelled speculative demand.
Therefore, the real "bubble" is part of the short-term speculative demand and the cameras act transformed mixed demand led to speculative demand.
Based on the demand - supply theory, the paper explains the effect of speculative demand on housing price and the formation mechanism of price bubbles.
The article starts with the reason of raising price, and then we know the reason is the raising demand of real estate speculative demand and the contradiction of supply structure.
Third, intensified China's real estate market supply and demand imbalance in recent years, raised the effective demand of the real estate market, especially investment and speculative demand.
As concern over climate change improves the prospects for nuclear power, uranium demand has outpaced supply and speculative buying has forced the price up to $85 per pound, from $10 in 2003.
The viability of this model depends on ever-growing demand, which often comes from speculative investors looking for a chance of quick capital gains.
Currently, most EU member states still have not yet formalized their renewable heat strategies out past 2020 and any demand predictions beyond then would be speculative in nature.
China's statistics bureau released a statement with the housing data saying that "the curbing of speculative property demand must be a long-term policy".
From actual demand and inflation factor perspective, steel prices were not unexpected, but last week rise too fast, there exist obvious speculative atmosphere.
When a new model of certain product is in large demand, those speculative factory owners will seize the opportunity to manufacture similar products.
I mean that it doesn't matter because any memory used by such speculative buffering will need to be immediately made available to applications on demand.
"We have to find a new way - or maybe it's an old way - to stimulate enough demand for the economy to do what it's supposed to do without speculative excess," Mr. Bernstein said.
The most driven factors are speculative interest, increasing demand from auto and glass industry and lacking supplies which was less than expect.
These skeptics claim prices are being driven not by the fundamentals of supply and demand, but by a blend of jitters and a flood of speculative cash.
这些怀疑高油价的人认为,现在的油价不是被供求 关系所推动,影响油价的是一系列暂时的不安定因素以及大量投机热钱的炒作。
The eastern part of the real estate market due to speculative comparison, there are certain real estate market bubble, the principle of supply and demand performance not obvious.
The eastern part of the real estate market due to speculative comparison, there are certain real estate market bubble, the principle of supply and demand performance not obvious.