In performing speech ACTS the discourse words represent many different pragmatic functions.
When used in utterances, modals can convey some implicature and express certain speech ACTS.
Chapter four discusses the influence of different cultural values on the use of speech acts.
However, the two intentions are the same in some interrogative speech ACTS, but different in the others.
The pragmatic function of long sound structure is to achieve the speech acts of evaluation and expression.
The notion of felicity conditions of speech acts and the notion of global speech act are firstly introduced.
The object of inquiry of the present study is the legal speech acts as realized in Chinese legal discourses.
The research on judicial speech ACTS may also have implications for forensic linguistics and judicial proceedings.
Speech act theory thinks to say something means to do something, and speaking and understanding both being speech acts.
It is reflected in such speech ACTS as terms of address, greetings, leave-takings, requests and compliments and responses.
The speech act of complaining is an important research subject of pragmatics, which is worthy to be researched among speech ACTS.
Language is a system of signs that can be produced different speech ACTS and cultural meaning because of different cultural contexts.
They're all of them embedded in sentences, speech ACTS, and can be taken out of sentences and still understood in their agency as performed.
The paper analyzes the speech acts performed by the shift of person deixis and vocatives by linking the pragmatic theory of speech acts.
Under the guidance of speech ACTS theory, this dissertation gives a full and systematic discussion of Chinese directives and imperatives.
The analysis of the contextual meaning at the second level is based on the theories of speech acts of pragmatics and cross-culture communication.
By precisely the same token, we can and, I think we should say, we do infer language as something else from the composite or sum total of speech ACTS.
As a result of its own nature, culture transfer is mostly negative, which contributes to many pragmatic failures especially in their speech ACTS.
Traditional speech act theory claims that speech ACTS are governed by a set of constitutive rules, which are called felicity conditions of speech ACTS.
The theory background of the article includes elements of semeiology, theory of speech acts and Richard Mervyn Hare's theory of the Language of Morals.
Apology, as one of the speech ACTS, its realization patterns have been the subject of extensive research in the fields of pragmatics and sociolinguistics.
Starting from assistance language of indirect speech ACTS, author analyzed and emphasized importance of indirect speech ACTS in guide language linguistics.
The theory of speech acts provided by John Rogers Searle, modern American philosopher, has had some influence in Anglo American area of analytical philosophy.
Searle emphasizes the relationship between language and mind, believing that meaning should be explained with regards to the intentionality in the speech acts.
Traditional grammar studies English conditionals in terms of truth value and logic while pragmatics from the angle of speech acts and speech meta-representation.
In the instructions, teachers should first teach conventional indirect speech acts and implicatures, and then teach non-conventional speech acts and implicatures.
They also demonstrate that much of pragmatic inferencing is metonymic in nature and believed that indirect speech ACTS can be described in terms of metonymic models.
The correctness of programs is partly defined in terms of proper performance of the speech acts. Answers should be truthful and responsive, and promises should be kept.
The correctness of programs is partly defined in terms of proper performance of the speech acts. Answers should be truthful and responsive, and promises should be kept.