Higher quality steels have been required since train speeded-up, resulting in some problems such as the quality and type of ferroalloys.
The coup's collapse has speeded up the drive to independence.
The testing and approval of new drugs will be speeded up.
So he recommended they upgrade their software programs and that, in turn, cut operational costs and just speeded everything up.
Yet the recession has also accelerated trends that could make for a bigger celebration later. It has speeded up the adoption of promising new technologies, such as cloud and mobile computing.
It's moving very slowly and we want it speeded up to deal with areas of concern on both sides.
It has also speeded up the issue of visas for temporary workers and residents of the Guatemalan side of the border.
Because the video is not speeded up, each person moves at his or her actual pace.
Delta speeded up its plans to cut capacity even before the tentative tie-up was announced.
Stacking slate, and the process involved, takes a great deal of time and the process cannot be speeded up without compromising quality which, I couldn’t do.
The rate of executions appears to have speeded up, too.
The Big Three are already complaining that it will take too long to dish out the money, and they want the process speeded up.
The Home Office consultation paper proposes a new category of "probationary citizen" whose application for a British passport can be speeded up or slowed down depending on the points system.
As the cost of diesel power soars, schemes for renewable power and plans to link the region's power grids may be speeded up.
Shanghai has speeded up the expansion project of the Pudong Airport.
Besides, many technological improvements seem to have simply speeded up the extraction of oil, rather than increasing the share of each reservoir that can be recovered.
Often there is no alternative to watching the playback manually; and if the footage is speeded up to make that process a little more bearable, things can be missed.
But thanks to a new web-services platform, its processes have speeded up.
Last year, despite a slowdown in America's imports, most Asian economies grew faster as domestic demand speeded up.
Things have speeded up: in 1997 it took an average of 22 months to decide whether to offer someone leave to remain; in 2007 it took seven months.
Some excited people have likened this technological upheaval to the Cambrian explosion 500m years ago, when evolution on Earth speeded up in part because the cell had been perfected and standardised.
There is still a way to go yet, but the process of Ascension will be speeded up once we can meet you openly.
Many of you have noticed this year how time has speeded up more than ever, and it will continue to do so.
In both cases, with the mutant yeast cells and the mutant telomerase RNA, the cells were ageing prematurely, their "senescence" was speeded up.
Electronic calculating procedures are now sometimes used for the last step. Electronic equipment has also speeded up many other highway engineering calculations.
Now he speeded up as he smelled the fresher scent and his blue dorsal fin cut the water.
Immediate triage would have speeded up the treatment this child needed.
Immediate triage would have speeded up the treatment this child needed.