If I don't know a word, I ask them to spell it out for me.
If they wanted to spell something, they used code words for letters of the Alphabet.
Most economists in the United States seem captivated by the spell of the free market.
Now a Disney English learning center in Shanghai is teaching him how to spell this word.
The spell was broken, and all who had been turned into stones awoke, and took their proper forms.
He wanted to draw a picture of it, but he wasn't sure how to spell "dachshund", so he simply wrote "Hot Dog".
他想给它画一张图,但是他不知道如何拼写 “dachshund”,所以他就简单地写了 “Hot Dog”。
Clara had been studying ASL for the past year to help blind and deaf people and she knew she'd be able to finger spell into the man's palm.
Thomas Young focused his attention on one set of hieroglyphs that he thought would probably spell out a single word: the name of a King or Queen.
Each of the five playful characters created by the Chinese represents a character in the Chinese language that together spell out "Beijing welcomes you".
It's shocking how students can't spell these days.
This model allows you to spell-check over 100,000 different words.
A lot of people spell the word wrong, but you can spell it correctly.
"SPELL CHAMPION," Scott told his older sister.
Thanks to it, people can spell in the same way.
I might forget how to spell everything, even my own name.
Do you know how to spell the word "expensive" in English?
"Can you spell the word 'confidence'?" The barber went on asking Mark.
Nancy, I know that you're not going to forget how to spell your name.
It took Lucy a moment to understand before asking Scott how to spell fed.
"Colour" and "color", "favourite" and "favorite", "honour" and "honor"...Have you ever wondered why Americans spell those words without a "u"?
"It's OK. I'll teach you how to spell to train myself for next year's spelling bee." Lucy handed Scott the red leash to walk Senator.
For many Americans, 2013 ended with an unusually bitter cold spell.
A bad bout of cold weather, a long spell of frosts could ruin a farmer's entire crop.
In the 20th century, first it was the movies, then radio, then television that seemed to spell doom for the written world.
If the prince could learn to love another and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would be broken.
Even if I don't spell out all the details, you can still make some useful logical inferences, namely, the shop is open and it sells coffee.
A badly run "year of culture" washes in and washes out of a place like a tide, bringing prominence for a spell but leaving no lasting benefits to the community.
Scratchy throats, stuffy noses and body aches all spell misery, but being able to tell if the cause is a cold or flu may make a difference in how long the misery lasts.
Contemptuous, he asks her to spell "xanthosis".
As he talked with more and more gusto, we came more and more under his spell.