Thomas Young focused his attention on one set of hieroglyphs that he thought would probably spell out a single word: the name of a King or Queen.
Each of the five playful characters created by the Chinese represents a character in the Chinese language that together spell out "Beijing welcomes you".
Even if I don't spell out all the details, you can still make some useful logical inferences, namely, the shop is open and it sells coffee.
Initially, the only way I could communicate was to spell out words, one letter at a time, on the palm of my girlfriend's hand.
Yet it does not spell out what this means.
You need to spell out the assumptions made during proposal development in a separate section of the proposal document.
The only big European economy yet to spell out an austerity plan is france-a country badly in need of one.
Before I go any further, and I'm misinterpreted for the thousandth time, let me spell out once again what my position is.
In addition, the policies spell out how messages should be retained, migrated, classified, and prioritized.
The IMF does not actually spell out its forecast for the yuan but this can be calculated by dividing GDP in yuan terms by dollar GDP.
The first, and perhaps the easiest, is to spell out his vision of a Palestinian state.
Unless you have time and money for an extended lawsuit, take the time up front to spell out the details.
She has yet to spell out much of her policy platform, including on such vital issues as tax or climate change; and has suspiciously meddlesome tendencies.
The report would spell out whether India was on track to meet its "domestic targets" on curbing emissions growth without being enforceable under a new treaty.
This article will spell out how to find, learn, and use, ostentatious words so other people will kick up their estimates of the level of your intelligence.
Many doctors believe that the labels on processed food should spell out the amounts of cholesterol, saturated fat and polyunsaturated fat the food contains.
But politicians of all stripes are failing to spell out credible plans to restore fiscal sanity.
My recommendations tend to be somewhat general in nature, and I do not always spell out in great detail the technical descriptions or syntax.
For example, few in West Bengal can spell out what the energetic Ms Banerjee stands for.
Residents will learn to recognize and diagnose substance abuse, conduct brief interventions that spell out the treatment options and prescribe the proper medications.
Rather than pretend that it will campaign in the wilds of North Waziristan, the Pakistani army should spell out how operationally hard that would be.
Intel and AMD will spell out what practices they will avoid and will establish a mechanism for resolving any disagreements.
Encouragingly Mr Obama finally began to spell out some of these painful truths this week (in a speech in Pittsburgh); he should do much more.
Mr Fini did not need to press home his advantage to spell out that the PdL can no longer count on winning a majority.
User stories focus on what the customer needs; they do not spell out implementation details.
User stories focus on what the customer needs; they do not spell out implementation details.