Powerful editing features include tables, spell checker, and quick hyperlinks.
You can invoke the spell checker directly by using spell: followed by your keyword.
Spell Checking - background spell checker that highlights mispelled words in comments
The toolbar also includes a spell checker icon if the spell checker feature has been made available by the administrator.
Along with the challenges of implementing the spell checker in a single threaded environment, Coletta discusses the performance challenges.
The goal of the Portable Spell Checker Interface Library (Pspell) is to provide a generic interface to libraries installed on the system.
These include Opera Turbo, the company's compression technology that makes surfing on slower connections more bearable, visual tabs, a smarter spell checker, and a faster rendering engine.
这其中包括Opera Turbo,Opera公司的这一压缩技术会可以让低速连接下的网络浏览变的可以忍受。此外还包括可视化标签,一个更智能的拼写检查器,以及一个更快的渲染引擎。
We don't mean words that do not exist and thus will be rejected by the spell checker, we mean legitimate words, such as where and were, both of which are correct, but have different meanings.
Microsoft says it spent several million dollars over 20 years to develop a robust spell-checker for its word-processing program.
Here's a real-life example, a challenge a team of our engineers once faced: designing a spell-checker for the Google search engine.
Additional Opera 10 features include web mail and web feed reader integration and an inline spell-checker for blogs, Twitter and Facebook posts.
Classmate: You'd better get someone to check for spelling and grammatical errors, because a spell-checker won't pick out every mistake.
Each time you run a spell-checker and find a word that you've misspelled, copy and paste the word into your file.
Each time you run a spell-checker and find a word that you've misspelled, copy and paste the word into your file.