The couple put their destination into their car's GPS, but they made a spelling mistake.
I could have gained full marks, but I was too careless and made a spelling mistake.
I made a mistake in grammar and two spelling mistakes.
Tom didn't make a single spelling mistake in his composition.
A spelling mistake in one of the transfer orders alerted staff and stopped much of the money going astray.
It's easy to just glance at a sentence you already wrote, and not notice a small spelling mistake, grammar error, etc.
This saves time and reduces the number of potential errors, because the user has less likelihood of making a spelling mistake.
It is not referred to that whether or not somebody wrote down the word that might have spelling mistake or something like that.
This Chinglish sign resulted from a simple spelling mistake. Below is a list of commonly misspelled words in English. Take a look.
So, you don't notice, your code went into production, and the spelling mistake prevented an important part of some calculation from occurring.
Go up in the foundation of specific problem desire above all thick read a program, find out apparent mistake, wait like spelling mistake.
For example, in production, you cannot correct a small spelling mistake, change a color, or make any other small, quick fixes that you can do in Lotus Domino.
It's the small things that add up. For us, one of the most annoying things is the fact that if you make a spelling mistake while searching for an app in Android Market, Android doesn't correct you.
Reverse spelling (crumb for crum, a word in which b has no justification) is also a trivial mistake.
反向拼写(crum 拼成 crumb,b在这里没有理由存在)也是微不足道的错误。
Life is not a spelling bee, where no matter how many words you've gotten right, you're disqualified if you make one mistake.
Classmate: You'd better get someone to check for spelling and grammatical errors, because a spell-checker won't pick out every mistake.
Thereseems to be one mistake in spelling.
There seems to be one mistake in spelling.
A user who mistypes a name may realize the mistake, check the spelling, and try again.
Life is not a spelling puzzle, where no matter how many words you? Ve gotten right, you're disqualified if you make one mistake.
Life is not a spelling puzzle, where no matter how many words you? Ve gotten right, you're disqualified if you make one mistake.