Brill and Katya spend all day watching films.
I was glad to meet Jenny again, _______ I didn't want to spend all day with her.
I spend all day dreaming of the moment you would call to say you feel the same way.
If you spend all day doing other people's work, then you will never get to your own.
Second, I want to spend all day long watching movies, listening to music I love in my room.
You could spend all day watching your name or your brand morph among the loud people online.
"She said:" They That you spend all day dealing with antiques, antique, which caused very calm!
First of all, you can spend all day thinking about crap, and you will not be disturbed by anyone.
Like many other children in the same apartment, Li's parents spend all day out to collect garbage.
I am envious! I spend all day today wasting my time on the computer. Next time I want to come, too!
This is why we spend all day hitting refresh buttons waiting to react to messages that don’t matter.
When others cut classes to spend all day playing, he remained and paid attention, to the good teacher.
I could spend all day every day at the stalls of the book fair, if I ever could have any time in Madrid.
Opposite of what is commonly believed, money making people do not spend all day working on their agenda.
Once you open the door to communications overload, you could spend all day reacting to what's thrown at you.
With food in the theater, there's no reason why you can just spend all day there, seeing movie after movie!
Came back, we have all through lunch, and my father spend all day hanging wet, and shoes still covered with mud.
When you spend all day in a bio-lab, watching flesh-eating bacteria skeletonize small rodents, it really works up an appetite.
Whether you want to spend all day in museums, party all night, or both there is no place in the world quite like New York City.
Some analysts argue that those who spend all day surfing the Internet should pay more than those who just send the occasional email message.
The data could also predict job satisfaction: people who spend all day on the phone with friends, it seems, are generally not stoked about their work.
Like many other children in the same apartment, li's parents spend all day out to collect garbage. The little boy has to take care of himself at home.
You envy your partner getting to spend all day with your baby, and you daydream about all the things you'll do with your family in the coming weekend.
You envy your partner getting to spend all day with your baby, and you daydream about all the things you'll do with your family in the coming weekend.