Spend time with them and do something they like doing for a change, instead of trying to be in charge.
So I think that it's more like how you spend your time doing stuff type of question, or type of answer than like something that I've learned specifically from college.
Do SOMETHING you LOVE: Learn a new skill, or simply spend time doing activities you enjoy or are passionate about.
You really need to spend some time thinking about what you are doing and, if you mess something up, you can be in big trouble.
We spend most of our lives working: what a shame it would be if you're spending that time doing something you hate.
If they are all beginners it's usually not worth it, since you will need to spend too much time explaining to them what to do, how to do something, why the way they are doing it is bad, etc.
In the time you spend each morning calibrating your hair gel, you could be doing something more important, with a much better payoff: eating breakfast.
Why not spend that time doing something you truly are passionate about for 50 hours a week instead of something that lacks meaning?
And don't forget to spend some time with your child each day, doing something he enjoys.
Whether or not we believe in reincarnation, we can each live a purposeful life if we spend our time doing something beneficial for ourselves and others.
Spend time with your child doing something that your child likes so they know that you are interested.
You say she keeps running into the sitting room to see her father, and it would be good if they can spend some time together each night doing something thats special to them.
When you wait for something or someone, you spend some time doing very little, because you cannot act until that thing happens or that person arrives.
When you wait for something or someone, you spend some time doing very little, because you cannot act until that thing happens or that person arrives.