Do not just spout marketing spiel or you will quickly lose followers.
The team has learned the power of lowering expectations and given Yume a new spiel.
If you're trying to catch someone out, once they've done their spiel, ask plenty of difficult questions.
Perhaps the most substantial reason is the success of the Spiel des Jahres award, which stresses quality, strategy, and human interaction in games.
In a sprawling convention centre in Essen, western Germany, the busiest day in the German board games calendar - Saturday at "Spiel" - is about to begin.
According to the company's PR spiel, there is still a great deal of inefficiency in the online-reservations market that can be squeezed out of the system.
Definitely a tough question and a potentially embarrassing one if this has happened to you. Remember to relax while giving your spiel about this difficulty.
Before founding Rio Grande Games, Tummelson imported Settlers - and he is responsible for producing the English versions of most recent Spiel des Jahres winners.
“, after which I have to give my much rehearsed spiel of “it's a combination of mostly health for me, but I also care a lot about the animals and the environment…” and so on.
", after which I have to give my much rehearsed spiel of "it's a combination of mostly health for me, but I also care a lot about the animals and the environment..." and so on."
Her first major film was Steven spiel berg's adaptation of the Alice walker's novel the color purple in1985 for which she earned a golden globe award and an academy award nomination.
She asked about them, and a volunteer's struggle to turn her boilerplate spiel into words simpler than "destigmatize" made it clear that a child's innocence would elicit good interviews.
She asked about them, and a volunteer's struggle to turn her boilerplate spiel into words simpler than "destigmatize" made it clear that a child's innocence would elicit good interviews.