Over time, her academic work began to spill over into activism.
That spreads uncertainty, which could even spill over into the trade of goods and services.
Eisenhower's personal victory was not going to spill over into the state or congressional RACES.
By the 3rd, you're already feeling more energetic, and all of this vim and vigor could easily spill over into romance.
Experts also rejected the idea that an upswing of mega-earthquakes in the rest of the world would spill over into the mainland.
Experts also rejected the idea that an upswing of mega-earthquakes in the rest of the world would spill over into the mainland.
Save the lemon for later – When something is bothering you, don’t obsess and let your concern spill over into your conversations.
You will reach a higher level in your personal practice and this will spill over into your teaching, if you are already a teacher.
It is only natural that this training will spill over into other aspects of the lawyer's life, not just when dealing with legal facts.
Deliveries of the A330-200 were expected to begin in July 2008, but now, he said, Flyington fears the slippage will spill over into 2011.
A330- 200的交付,按计划应该始于2008年7月,但目前Flyington担心交付的延误将持续到2011年才能结束。
Where growth is bumping up against capacity constraints and Labour markets are tight, food inflation may spill over into wages and other prices.
This means to take care that your personal issues and feelings don't spill over into the volunteer work in a way that impacts negatively upon you.
Moreover if, as I expect, the dire prophecies of GM doom fail to materialise, the feeling of let-down may spill over into complacency about real risks.
Being miserable at work can spill over into our personal lives so it makes sense to tackle any issues you have in the workplace sooner rather than later.
Here I talk about masking the specular highlight so it only appears on the illuminated portions of the mesh and does not spill over into areas that have no light.
Some research, though, suggests that trouble at the office is more likely to spill over into the family domain compared with the other way around ( Ford et al. , 2007).
Although many advertising design professionals focus their energy on the creative end of the spectrum, psychology and marketing often spill over into their everyday work.
He says this provided the first piece of evidence that problems in one corner of the markets-in this case, subprime mortgages-can spill over into a completely unrelated area.
When the injected electrons find the lower-energy state occupied, they spill over into the other state; realigned with their holes, they release their extra energy as photons.
The extra electron fills up the lower-energy state in the conduction band, causing excited electrons to, effectively, spill over into the higher-energy, photon-emitting state.
As far as threats go, European sovereign debt is of more concern than the bleak decade facing the US as it still has potential to spill over into the international banking system.
The slump in housebuilding has proved deeper and more protracted than expected and there are worries that it could spill over into other areas of the economy, like consumer spending.
And the lessons from past financial crises remain clear - excessive borrowing, whether external or domestic, is risky, and problems in one arena can quickly spill over into the other.
The second strategy was to lower the energy difference between the two conduction-band states so that excited electrons would be more likely to spill over into the photon-emitting state.
These outbreaks will flare up after viruses "spill over" from animals into people with occupations such as hunting, farming or working in live-animal markets.
The fresh, revitalized feeling you have stepping out of the shower will spill over as positivity into your first few tasks of the day.
The fresh, revitalized feeling you have stepping out of the shower will spill over as positivity into your first few tasks of the day.