Scaling up begins almost instantly with a machine taking a few minutes to spin up.
Do you need to single-thread your classes or can you allow WCF to spin up multiple instances simultaneously?
But seeing how long it takes Grails to spin up to run the integration tests, this option is less than appealing.
So by parallel we mean - they're either both spin up remember that's our spin quantum number, that fourth quantum number.
As the heli pulls out the the dive the head will spin up very fast. So fast you will have quite a lot of hovering time.
As the RPM climbs, the larger turbo (secondary) is partially activated in order to spin up the turbine for impending operation.
The free energy allows us to spin up what is sticky or stuck and slow down if needed what is spinning too rapidly to remain in balance.
On JRuby, because there's an in-progress #each we have to pause for every element, Enumerator#next has to spin up a *new native thread*.
So you can see, if it's spinning on its own axis in this direction we'd call it spin up, where as this way it would be what we call spin down.
I needed the Cloud lab server to be able to quickly spin up new instances and add them to the virtual lab, tearing them down when no longer needed.
Computer games you bought at the store fit on a single CD-ROM, and everyone knew that you had to wait for your hard drive to spin up before each level.
After analyzing and discussing these results of drop test, a reasonable imitation style of spin up and spring back on the column style drop test bed is proposed.
The major advantage of cloud computing is being able to quickly turn applications on ("spin up") or off and to elastically grow your computing power on an as-needed basis.
And that the fact that it split into two was telling them that there must be some new property to the electron, and what we call that now is either being spin up or spin down.
So what that means is that we're limited in any atom to having two electrons per orbital, right, because for any orbital we can either have a spin up electron, a spin down electron, or both.
SwingBuilder makes it easy to call either of these two methods, and it gives you a third option: the ability to spin up a new thread effortlessly to perform potentially expensive actions.
When loading a CHD romset, the emulator will run the entire startup sequence so it will take a while to boot (early games just have a black screen) while the bios waits for the cd to spin up.
Several folks I worked with at the time had expressed an interest in learning more about Rails and so I decided to spin up a nice group project to give us all the chance to work and learn together.
With the magnetic field turned on, the iron layers both magnetize, say, in the spin-up direction, so all of the spin-down electrons move through the entire sample without scattering.
Some materials, however, are easier to spin in this way than others, for if the molecules do not stick together, the liquid stream will break up.
While spin locks are CPU-intensive and appear inefficient, they can be more efficient than suspending the thread and subsequently waking it up if the lock in question is held for a very short time.
This may seem like a bad thing, but the positive spin is that this completely cleans up the interface.
It takes a whole lot of technophobia to spin that into a serious issue. But we expect the mainstream media is just warming up.
The shrewdest producers have realised that this profusion of spin-offs opens up a new approach to storytelling.
Perhaps that is not surprising: after all, when automatic washing-machines first appeared people used to draw up a chair and sit and watch them complete their wash, rinse and spin cycles.
You can even Angle your flash up and behind you to fill a small to normal-size room up with beautiful light. Spin it around and up at about 45 degrees to hit the wall and ceiling behind you.
I managed not to spin the wheels, while other drivers struggled for grip and I managed to move up to second.
I managed not to spin the wheels, while other drivers struggled for grip and I managed to move up to second.