The forces on a spinning ball that is flying through the air are generally divided into two types: a lift force and a drag force.
The key to this is the reduced density of the atmosphere, which affects how fast the ball moves through the air and also the bend of a spinning ball.
One afternoon, the home-made ball was spinning across the grass when it was suddenly stopped by someone.
Magnetic levitation, or maglev, holds the ball in place while it spins around, getting clothes cleaner than a circular-spinning drum ever could.
Consider a ball that is spinning about an axis perpendicular to the flow of air across it (see left).
A typically astonishing routine would see a female gymnast launching a ball high into the air, spinning and contorting her body as it drops to the ground, before catching it in the curve of her neck.
The earth hums to me today in the sun, like a woman at her spinning, some ball AD of the ancient time in a forgotten tongue.
The basic principle with respect to ball spinning is introduced, and based on plastic mechanics, the influence of mechanical parameters on formability of spun parts is analyzed.
As a successively and locally plastic deformation process, ball spinning is applied for the purpose of manufacturing thin-walled tubular parts of aluminum alloy.
The mesh of copper tubes and loading ways of the balls are the key problems during three dimensional FE simulation of ball spinning of inner grooved tubes.
Different technological parameters of ball spinning are simulated.
What was and what is and will be on this blue-green ball spinning as fast as we can, with rocks, water, air, you and me.
As a successively and locally plastic deformation process, ball spinning is applied in order to manufacture high-strength and high-precision thin-walled tubular part with longitudinal inner ribs.
Through simulation, the flow rules of metal are obtained during the steady deformation of ball spinning, it coincides with results of experiment.
New chemical composition and additional built-in tension make the ball more spinning and its trajectory significantly higher.
Therefore, the spinning of thin-walled tube with large thickness reduction can be realized through multi-pass ball spinning.
Shawna squinted into the bright sky until the spinning circle appeared, as tiny as a golf ball, she held her breath as it got closer and closer.
Before you drop the ball into the spinning wheel, you bet a number on the electronic layout.
Before you drop the ball into the spinning wheel, you bet a number on the electronic layout.