For Baal blocks Tyrael's spiritual presence from entering the chamber of the Worldstone.
Small efforts will ensure the energy necessary for enormous changes in your thinking, emotions, and spiritual presence.
This may come across as a certain spiritual presence or power of the artists which can be appreciated particularly when performing.
A constructive engagement with spiritual and cultural practices addresses well-being and health beyond the presence or absence of disease and illness.
Spiritual thirst needs God's daily presence. That's why the psalmist does more than remember.
Harry and Luna hear voices from within the veil which hint at the presence of a spiritual realm beyond it.
When he visited with us or we with him I always felt that I was sitting in the presence of a great teacher, a spiritual guide.
During our journey of faith we all need regular time off to rest and be spiritually recharged in God's presence. So let's not skip the rest areas on our spiritual journey!
He is doing the same as he nears the end of his spiritual pilgrimage on this earth and looks forward to a new adventure in God's presence.
In Holy Communion, a person receives the earthly elements of bread and wine along with the spiritual elements of the true body and blood of Christ. (the Real Presence).
In Holy Communion, a person receives the earthly elements of bread and wine along with the spiritual elements of the true body and blood of Christ. (the Real Presence).