Swish Swish Swish, Spit it Out.
Swallowed resolutely not spit it out, so to make it clear before eating.
I wouldn't like to just spit it out, I'd like to have a think about that.
Sometimes, but I want to take you spit it out, still you free also me free.
To eat is determined not to spit it out, so to eat before you want to know. Love is.
I quickly spit it out, hurriedly drank a half a glass of water, the Qing Qing mouth.
And if it were something he doesn't like, he would spit it out and throw it into other dishes.
Please bite and hold the cotton ball tightly in place. Don't spit it out until half an hour from now.
In the meanwhile, his son took a bite of his brioche, spit it out, and, suddenly burst out crying.
Next, to implement the view, we simply loop over the view data and spit it out in the right format.
I go back and edit, and I constantly try new things. But none of this can happen unless you spit it out.
You feel something hard rolling around in your mouth and spit it out, only to discover it is one of your own teeth.
By focusing on boring or awful work, it is easier to overcome your reflex to spit it out and work on something else.
Operator: Now calm down, Sir. Just wait ten minutes and maybe it will spit it out because it doesn't like the taste.
Today, I bought a new bottle of mouth wash. After brushing my teeth, I took a swig of it and spit it out in the sink.
While rhubarb isn't dangerous, it's bitter, and our natural hard-wired instinct tells us to spit it out because it could be toxic.
She started wildly gesticulating and pounding the table with her fists while Potash stuffed paper into his mouth, chewed it up and spit it out.
Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew. When I bit off more than I could chew. But through it all, when there was doubt, I ate it up and spit it out.
My voice was 12 squeaky, and I'd occasionally get a bit of shampoo in my mouth and have to stop mid-song to spit it out, but still my audience loved me.
Anger suppressed can make you physically ill. So don't hurt yourself more by swallowing the poisonous anger within you. Spit it out, just in a proper way.
A 2004 study found that cyclists who rinsed their mouths with a sports drink for five seconds and then spit it out completed a 40k time trial faster than a control group.
Returned home before I think about baby shows, but already late aunt has to get them to drink it as a mouthwash, and spit it out, mom and dad after listening to a smile from ear to ear.
Just put in the overall width and the number of columns and it will spit out a variety of grid templates with varying gutter widths.
If mucus plugs became very watery, your phlegm would sometimes float upward unaided where it can be spit out.
So in the controller, we are going to be accessing the Model and getting it all set up so all the view has to do is spit out some data.
So in the controller, we are going to be accessing the Model and getting it all set up so all the view has to do is spit out some data.